About #LatinXMentorFirst


Led by Professor Melissa Ramirez (University of Minnesota Twin Cities) #LatinXMentorFirst was launched in 2025.

This initiative unites members of the LatinX community to advocate for a mentee-centered research environment that embraces everyone’s unique roots.

#LatinXMentorFirst members not only take the #MentorFirst pledge, but also meet monthly to discuss best mentoring practices with others who support the LatinX community.

To join the #LatinXMentorFirst initiative, please send an email to Professor Ramirez.

I pledge to be a #MentorFirst and will demonstrate my commitment to this pledge by putting into practice each of the action items in the #MentorFirst Commitments.

I endorse the #MentorFirst pledge. I would like to see all academic research advisors take the pledge and put into practice each of the action items in the #MentorFirst Commitments.